Mindful Morning


I have lived on the lip of insanity, searching for reason. I was knocking on the door, the door opens, I was knocking from the inside

(June 2022 pre-recording)

Will thou dance with me
will thou walk beside me on the shore of infinity
will thou be my partner in the dance of eternity
will thou hold my hand on Stoney paths and thorns
will thou teach me to play the game of the soul in the eternal cosmic dance
will thou dance with me my forever partner
my soul support, my only friend
will thou guide me through the tragedies of life
through the comedy of death, into the deathless realm
where game and players merge into one
my only love
will thou dance with me

This Mindful Morning we begin with a poem, a prayer to the Divine, the Divine within all of us, who becomes our partner in life, when we awaken, which is our theme for today.

This poem talks about spiritual awakening – awakening from the long sleep of darkness in ignorance, to the glorious light of truth, waking up to who you truly are.

I invite you to spend a few minutes journaling

Take a moment to reflect on what you usually do when you wake up?

Do you immediately think about what happened yesterday?

Or what you need to do today?

Do you reach for your phone? (I know I so often do 😉

Take a moment to ask yourself

who am I today, what’s changed since yesterday?
Do you notice a slight shift?

Repeat this exercise first thing upon waking tomorrow morning. 

Meditation is another simple way of accessing or awakening our true selves, allowing us to journey inwards. Simply by closing your eyes, you are already turning your attention inwards.

Using the Sanskrit mantra for Awakening, MUKTI to support our journey inwards.

The music in the background, can be found here: Peder B. Helland – Dance of Life