Mindful Morning

Daily Gratitude

When you practice gratitude,
there is a sense of respect towards others

Dalai Lama


In this Mindful Morning we explore Daily Gratitude.

We begin with a creative warm-up exercise, to help us get out of our heads, and help us connect with our hearts.

You will require a pen, paper and a magazine.

For each exercise, set a timer for 1 minute, and answer the following questions with a drawing: 

  1. Draw – Who or what made you laugh this week?
  2. Draw – What are you looking forward to tomorrow?

Next, take the magazine and holding it in your hands, with your eyes closed, repeat the word NATURE a few times. Feel yourself connect with the word, still with your eyes closed – let the magazine fall open.

Now you can open your eyes, and tear out the first word or image your eye falls on.

Journal for 3 min about this image/word from the magazine, and how it connects to the word NATURE. Contemplate the connection and what it means to you. Perhaps a childhood memory arises. Try not to judge what you are writing about, let the words flow.

In the meditation, we explore and cultivate daily gratitude.

A gratitude mindset has been proven to improve physical and mental health, reduce stress and increase happiness.

We begin by feeling gratitude for something that we often take for granted, our 5 senses – hearing, smelling, seeing, tasting, touching. We then focus our attention on our heart and give thanks to the people in our lives, loved ones, and people who have helped us or mentored us. And finally, we end by giving thanks to Mother Nature, the ground beneath our feet, and most importantly ourselves.


The music in the background, can be found here: Heart healing music

Visit my shop, to purchase my artwork or browse through one of my favourite online stores (and who is a very dear soul sister to me) for incense, candles, meditation cushions and more, Marschmellow